White Hall High School Athletics

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“Success is simple.  Do what’s RIGHT, the RIGHT way, at the RIGHT time.”

·       Retain, attract, and hire exemplary coaches

·       Promote unity and consistency throughout the athletic department

·       Increase parent and community awareness, and partnerships with the Athletic Department

·       Increase faculty/staff awareness and involvement with the Athletic Department

·       Increase scholarship opportunities for student-athletes

·       Maintain a high level of expectation for success within the department

·       Prepare athletes for the future using our athletic program as a tool

·       Maintain an open line of communication with our parents, community, and administration

·       Promote athletic programs and activities in our community

·       Win championships with class and character

·       Strive to win conference and state championships

·       Produce successful student-athletes in the classroom, on the field, and in the “game of life”.

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